St. Mary's Parish, Cappoquin

Parish Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Martin Keogh
Tel: 058 54216

Mass Times: Vigil (Sat): Affane: 7.00pm
Sundays:  Cappoquin: 11.30am  and Modeligo: 10am
Cappoquin: Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri 10am
(Feastdays: 11:30am)

Streaming Services

Our Web Camera is now live and will be of great benefit to many in our Parish, all our ceremonies can be accessed, all Masses will be live streamed and to access you can click on the link below

There is also a link on our Facebook Page

Masses in Cappoquin Church can now be listened to on Radio Frequency FM 98.5. If you are unable to come to Church, join us and pray with us. I hope this service will be a great blessing for our Parish Community. If you know someone who would benefit from this, please share this news with them.

Mount Melleray streams services including Mass on Sundays at 10.30am on its Facebook Page: